~ MamakTalk ~: 【實用英語】cook the books 是什麼意思?六個與錢有關的有趣片語

2018年8月31日 星期五

【實用英語】cook the books 是什麼意思?六個與錢有關的有趣片語

介紹你六個與「錢」有關的英文片語,一起來看看「cook the books」是什麼意思吧?

「錢」和我們的生活息息相關,今天希平方要教你六個和錢有關的片語,保證看字面完全猜不出實際意思!一起來學學這六個和錢有關的片語吧!(推薦閱讀:生活英文|On sale 與 For sale 有什麼差別?搞懂折扣英文

退休金 英文

◎  balance the books 達到收支平衡


The country is trying to balance the books by increasing taxes on its citizens.


◎  bring home the bacon 養家活口


Most men think it’s their responsibility to bring home the bacon.


◎  gravy train 輕鬆賺大錢的方法、發橫財的捷徑

gravy 是「肉汁」的意思,這個片語字面上是「肉汁火車」,聽起來和錢完全沒關係吧?代表的意義竟然是「輕鬆賺大錢的方法」。像是理財專員可能會這樣跟你推銷:

I’m telling you, investing in this company will get you on board the gravy train fast!



◎  nest egg 備用的錢、儲備金、儲蓄金

字面上是「鳥巢的蛋」,放在鳥巢裡的蛋要代表的是「備用的錢、儲蓄金」,可以搭配 build up 使用,例如:

My husband and I have started building up a nest egg for our son’s future college education.


◎  cook the books 篡改賬目


One of the bank managers was caught cooking the books last year.


◎  golden handshake (一大筆的)退休金,遣散費


My father was given a golden handshake for all of his dedication and hard work.




来源:Asia Travel Book



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