~ MamakTalk ~: Can’t Get A OnePlus One? Just Buy The KingSing S1+ It’s The Same Phone…Almost

2014年10月23日 星期四

Can’t Get A OnePlus One? Just Buy The KingSing S1+ It’s The Same Phone…Almost


Anyone who owns a OnePlus One will tell you how great the device is. To be honest it is a great device with top loaded specs at a fraction (well half to be exact) the cost of other comparable flagship devices. Of course, if you ask someone who does not own a OnePlus One about them then they will tell you how much they hate the company and their stupid invite-only system. Well, we all know that starting form next Monday the invite system will be over…sort of. OnePlus are offering a pre-order service starting Monday which also strangely ends on Monday. Yep, the invite system will be available for an entire 60 minutes. So if you have been unlucky in invites then this will be your chance. Of course, if you miss the extremely large one hour window then what are you to do?

Well thankfully KingSing are here to rescue you. Don’t ask me who they are as I simply don’t know. But what I can tell you is that they are the latest Chinese company to absolutely rip-off a flagship device and offer a direct replica. Yes, the KinSing s1+ (see what they did there) will go on sale within “the next five days” which is conveniently as the pre-orders for the OnePlus One begin. And yes, the KingSIng S1+ really is a direct rip off. Well in name and some looks that is. The KingSing S1+ looks like the OnePlus One (although more so looks like the OPPO 7). The KinSing also has a very similar back cover although something must have got lost in the translation as instead of referring to the back as ‘Sandstone’ they seem to be calling it ‘Sandpaper’.

But the OnePlus One is so expensive, how could they offer the same specs at a cheaper price? I hear you ask. Well firstly the OPO is not that expensive and secondly KingSing do not. While the OPO comes with a 5.5” 1080p display the S1+ offers a 5” display with a 980 x 540 resolution. While the OPO comes with 3GB of RAM the S1+ comes with a measly 1GB RAM. However. it is not only the specs and screen which is smaller as the S1+ is priced unbelievably at $120. At this price-point and considering the OPO is cheap anyway this is cheaper than cheap…literally.

The post Can’t Get A OnePlus One? Just Buy The KingSing S1+ It’s The Same Phone…Almost appeared first on AndroidHeadlines.com |.

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