The storyline revolves around an aging actor who unexpectedly lands a coveted role as a villain but inadvertently drives home in a car filled with props from the film. A prop malfunction leads to a car explosion, resulting in the protagonist suffering from amnesia. Discovering what he believes to be a real "corpse" in the trunk (which is actually a prop dummy), he mistakenly assumes he is an actual criminal. The narrative unfolds into a comedic whirlwind as the protagonist, besieged by a series of mishaps, finds himself pursued by two kidnappers.
At the Beijing premiere, Bao expressed that the movie serves as a reflection of his contemplation on the essence of life, aiming to convey a message urging individuals to appreciate what they currently possess rather than relentlessly pursuing transient fame and fortune.
Source: By Xu Fan | | Updated: 2024-04-02 17:43