~ MamakTalk ~: 惊! Lazada苹果官方店也有假货!网友:就是因为你贪小便宜才买到假机!

2018年6月9日 星期六

惊! Lazada苹果官方店也有假货!网友:就是因为你贪小便宜才买到假机!

昨日一位女网友在其脸书发文投诉在Lazada购物平台用RM3499购买了一部iPhone 8 Plus 64GB但竟然收到了假货。


我满怀期待接受我的新电话,最后5分钟在Raya Promo (#04June2018 11:55PM) 下订决心去购买!就因为相信这是Apple Official Store卖的!结果咧!


盒子上的Series Number是新的,是Malaysia的。但是!里面的Charger,Cable,还有耳机根本不是原装的!耳机已经不是用这个Plastic盒子装了!我好歹也是苹果铁粉,前前后后也至少跟了Apple 6年!

我Order银色,给我金色,Lazada你是当我色盲吗?然后我Order 64GB,你给我256GB,但是是个烂机!你难道不知道这些东西是不能骗的吗?Series Number根本对不上盒子的!




我绝对是在Lazada的Apple Official Store买的!买了后,订单上却变Sold By E-Cart Services Sdn Bhd⋯这间公司是Lazada公司来的!

I received a clone iPhone from Lazada Apple Official Store!!!!

On 04 June 2018 11:55pm I ordered an iPhone 8 Plus 64GB Silver from Lazada Apple Official Store. The order mention it is “sold by E-Carr Services Sdn Bhd”, this seller is actually Lazada company.

I received my parcel on 07 June 2018 01.00PM. However, I didn’t unbox the phone until the same day 11PM, when I ready to transfer all my data to this new phone.

When I unbox it, I realise that, the colour of the phone is not Silver as stated in the box and my order is not correct! This new “iPhone” does not come with new phone packaging at all, it is totally no wrapping with plastic or whatever, just a bare phone!

It further raised my suspicious when I hold it, bcoz it does not look like iPhone at all. Being an iPhone super fans for so many years and so many generations, I believe that this is one of my talents to check on iPhone.

I activate the phone, and it is totally not iOS!! Although it clone like iOS, there is minor differences on it! If you are new to iPhone, I believe you will fall into trap, bcoz it really cloned like iPhone!

My suspicious is further verified by, checking thru the “About” in the phone! The capacity of the phone is 256GB, which I ordered 64GB; the Serial Number, Model, IMEI No are all not same with the iPhone box!!

About main thing is that, under Whatsapp apps, it asked me to update in Google Play store!! It is Android App Store, not Apple!

The accessories are old and not genuine! Especially the earphone! New earphone is not packed with plastic box, instead it should be paper box!

Please do help me share it out virally! Thanks!!!!

11.46AM 08/06/2018
今早Email Lazada, 也cc 全部lazada 高层…同时也live chat了…不到一小时,就马上有人call我follow up…但是只叫我return回去,完全没有提到赔偿之类的,然后说refund会在24-48小时内完成,bank可能需要7-15工作天去process之类的…

This morning i send the email with photos to Lazada Customer Service and cc all the CEO, COO in the loop…at the same live chat and call to customer service..with less than an hour, Lazada CS contacted me personally but with only the option, ask me to return the phone to their warehouse..and Refund will only be initiated when they received the item…No other compensation options were offered, while refund requre 24-48 hours of approval and then 7-15 business day for bank to process…

12.00PM 08/06/2018

Lazada called back with offering me some other options, for example, replacement of a new genuine iPhone; or refund with extra Rm100 Voucher code…At the same time, they notice my FB post and requesting me to delete this post when things is settled.

04.01PM 06/08/2018
报案了,来不及send给lazada知道。他们就说等下6点半前来我这里pick up item,再换一架正机给我…还要求我把FB上的post make it private…现在等待中…

Lodged police report, but didnt have time to send to Lazada. Lazada mention that by 6.30Pm today they will pick up the fake phone from me, and deliver me the genuine iPhone on the spot. Meanwhile requesting me to make this post private, and i denied it. This post will only make private when everything is settled.

06.00PM 08/06/2018
New & genuine iPhone 8 Plus Silver 64GB is delivered personally. And clone iPhone is taken back by Lazada for further investigations.

A video on genuine iPhone 8 Plus and it’s accessories is posted here. It captured with using my iPhone 7 Plus front camera, because my rear camera is spoilt for months, and this is the reason I can’t wait for iPhone 9, and buying 8 right now.

Also, for those who not understand about why I buy from Lazada. Lazada provide 14 days return policy, I am not worried about the refund as I know I will get it back. I posted in FB is to let people know that there is clone iPhone from Lazada! And power of FB can make my refund process to be expedited!

我已经收到Lazada亲自送来的replacement iPhone了。也当场确定是真机,还没被activate的机。同时假机也被Lazada收走了。


▼网友看了事主的iPhone竟然有Google Play Store都觉得很搞笑。

▼原来很多网友都不知道Lazad平台里有Apple Official Store的。

▼网友也指出Sold By E-Cart Service Sdn Bhd 所以就不是Apple Official Store。

▼那到底是便宜多少钱呢?官方iPhone 8 Plus 64Gb RM3914- Lazada Apple Official Store Raya Promo RM3499=节省RM415!
▼其实E-Cart就是Lazada 公司注册的名字。







▼事主觉得在Official Store买电话没有什么大问题,但很多网友不那么认为。  








▼买卖电话的网友也乘机推销Iphone 8 Plus,你觉得有人会向他们买吗?!




Lazada从原本的默默叫我Return & Refund,然后我Email给Lazada & 高层⋯这是他们所谓的Standard Procedure⋯之后因为FB Shares开始慢慢累积了,就开始有人Call我,不定时地Update我,最后更是说会亲自上门Pick up,不需要我去Return⋯同时还会当场把新机,正品机送来给我~😍

其实Lazada是有14天Return Policy的,我不担心我的钱拿不回⋯我只担心他们拖我的refund,发文只为了告诉大家有假iPhone,加上自己的小私心,希望他们可以加快我的Refund~

Thanks everyone for making my post popular and raised attention to the Lazada, and so I got my genuine iPhone as replacement by today and almost immediately!

This morning I email to Lazada and their C level management with my fake iPhone…and also live chat and called to their customer service hotline…all I got is their standard procedure that asking me “return & refund”…

I need to send the item back to their warehouse only my refund will be initiated…then my FB post become viral, and Lazada eventually notice it and keep calling me for several updates and solutions.

Impress by their speed in handling this issue (I believe is because the power of FB). So I got an offered that they will deliver me a genuine iPhone by today, and pick up the clone iPhone.

Further to add on, Lazada have 14 days return policy. I never worry about my refund, the main reason for posting is to raise the awareness of clone iPhone from Lazada official store, and hoping this will help to expedite my refund process.

Again, thanks everyone for making this happen!

The post 惊! Lazada苹果官方店也有假货!网友:就是因为你贪小便宜才买到假机! appeared first on RedChili21.



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