~ MamakTalk ~: Relationship Realness With The Nanz

2016年6月10日 星期五

Relationship Realness With The Nanz

the nanz is back 1 the skinny confidential
the nanz is back 2 the skinny confidential

She’s backkkkkkkkkkkkk.

That’s right, the Nanz is back & is as feisty as ever.

If you don’t know the Nanz…who are you? Read this post first & then come back.

But basically she’s a ganster.

SO much SO that guess who’s making a guest appearance on The Skinny Confidential Podcast next week?…..; ) let’s hope she rocks her pink bomber with pristine white nails. I live for her latest look.

Ok relationship time.Oh yes, this is where it gets fun. Listen the Nanz is going to get specific. Are you ready? She’s a real hoot:

| Hi kitty, what’s your secret relationship tip: |

The Nanz: Oh, first the two ‘H’s.’ Honestly & humor.

Then the two ‘C’s.’ Compassion & character.

the nanz is back 3 the skinny confidential

You have to have honestly with a person because if you’re ever dishonest the other person will never trust you again. That’s a must. Also you have to have humor. You have to laugh at things together. As you build your life together, you can go back & laugh on funny instances.

For the two ‘C’s,’ you need character & compassion. Very deeply compassionate. Wanting to be the best that you can be. Character is for everybody. You have to have depth & character in a relationship. Character should be a part of the personality.

| Biggest mistake women can make in a relationship: |

TN: Smothering ( she laughed like cackling jackal for 1 minute straight here ).

If you just hover over someone all the time, it’s too much. You have to pay attention, be smart but don’t hover.

Give each other a little space. Not smothering them with yourself.

Lauryn, in my eyes isn’t smothering. When I’m around her she is never hovering over Michael. Hahaha ( another cackle ).

the nanz is back 4 the skinny confidential

| OK kitty, what’s something you can do for your partner that’s little that makes a BIG difference? |

TN: Respect. It’s not so little.

Look at me giving advice, I’m no champion on this.

…But you need respect. Always show respect. Never put each other down.

A little back rub, a little massage, cook something nice you know they like, always look out for their benefit, try to make them feeling happy with their surrounds.

OH cleanliness, that’s another C that’s important in a relationship! Don’t you think so, Lauryn? Get that?

Oh my God, you don’t want to have dirty nails or not shower regularly. Keep your hair clean. Grooming is important to keep up. It’s important to a relationship. You don’t want dirty-ass clothes ( YES, she did say dirty-ass, for the record- she’s been reading too much TSC? ).

Cleanliness is maybe a deal breaker, don’t you think?

| How do kids affect a relationship? |

TN: They change the focus.

You can’t only focus on each other & your desires all the time anymore. The kids have to be considered first. You train them by example. They pick up things. Your manners, how you talk. They start to do things how their parents do them.

It’s definitely something where you can’t be single-minded.

You’re together trying to build a family which is important in the long-run. You can’t just focus on yourself anymore or your partner.

The rewards are tremendous. People think “oh don’t let it get boring.” No matter what you do in life there are parts of it that are boring.

But if you got a sense of humor, you start laughing about it.

| Best hobbies in relationships? |

TN: Reading is terrific.

Picking up a sport together that you both like. Even if it’s horseback riding or…whatever. Something that you like doing together. There’s other things besides sports but you build on a hobby together.

Music, site-seeing, walking, decorating are my favorites.

In Lauryn & Michael’s life they love their dogs so much. They enjoy it. You need that kind of closeness.

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| Out of all your relationships you’ve had, what did a guy do that was just SO annoying? |

TN: I’ve never thought about that.

You either enjoy someone’s company or you don’t.

Either I just want to see them again or I don’t. I think personality or humor helps for a great companionship. Companionship is a huge part of a relationship. You share it together.

Focus on the positive. Definitely. You will have negatives. It wouldn’t be normal if you didn’t. You can create the feeling around your scene by having some lighthearted-ness.

| If you could give all The Skinny Confidential readers one piece of relationship advice in one sentence, what would it be? |

TN: Kindness. Be kind to each other.

+ she doesn’t have an Instagram ( YET ), however she will be making multiple appearances on my Snapchat this weekend.

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The post Relationship Realness With The Nanz appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

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