~ MamakTalk ~: Question of the Day: Excited for Moto’s Announcements Tomorrow?

2016年6月9日 星期四

Question of the Day: Excited for Moto’s Announcements Tomorrow?

Tomorrow is a pretty big day for Moto(rola) and Lenovo. During the keynote of Lenovo’s Tech World conference in San Francisco (watch it here), Moto will get a chance to shine on stage as they unveil what we expect to be their next flagship phone, the Moto Z.

From what we have seen through a variety of leaks, the phone will take on new design language, ditch the “X” branding, and attempt to make modularity in a phone a real thing, something LG couldn’t do with the G5. At first leak, we weren’t exactly all that impressed by the Moto Z’s design, but have admitted to warming to it and maybe even becoming quite fond of it. As you guys know, I’m also excited to see companies like Lenovo and Moto taking chances with things like modules, because innovation doesn’t happen if everyone just place it safe. 

But even though Moto could be onto something with this phone, it’s hard not to ignore the rocky past few months and wonder if we should even be excited about tomorrow. I’m talking, of course, about the poorly run service department here in the States that has left people without phones for months at a time, Lenovo admitting that the acquisition of Motorola has so far been a disaster, executives departing left and right, an odd rollout of the Moto G4 to only select markets, and the fact that Motorola went almost instantly from the best in the business at updating its Android phones to the worst the minute Lenovo took over. That’s a lot of messes that neither Moto or Lenovo have been quick to clean-up.

So tell us, are you excited for Moto’s announcements tomorrow or has your interest decreased in recent months?

Question of the Day: Excited for Moto’s Announcements Tomorrow? is a post from: Droid Life

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