~ MamakTalk ~: Buzzkill City: What To Do When You Have Writer’s Block

2016年6月9日 星期四

Buzzkill City: What To Do When You Have Writer’s Block


writer's block | by the skinny confidential

Oh me, oh MY. This one’s for you bloggers, writers, even vloggers.

We’ve all been there. & especially if you’re a blogger: writer’s block. IT’S A BITCH.

I’ll be the first to admit that creating content on a daily basis can be, well, draining. Not here to complain, I love, LOVE my job. But coming up with new blog posts every single day has its cons.

Going off on a tangent here— I’ve always been a very open person. There’s never been an issue expressing myself. Before launching this blog I knew that the whole journey may not always be pretty. I have no filter, I don’t bullshit, & can’t post pictures of macaroons & pendulum dresses all day. That’s fine & works for some people, but for The Skinny Confidential, it just wouldn’t work. & ultimately, here’s the bottom line: when you put yourself out there & write down your thoughts, feelings, opinions for a living you’re going to get backlash. SO YAH, you SEE? CONS.

Another con? Writer’s block.

( Side note: if you guys are interested I can do a full fucking post on pros & cons of blogging as a job. There are tons of pros but like life, there’s always another side. A SIDE a lot of people don’t get to see ).

Writer’s block is very real. & another con of putting yourself out there as a content creator.

Some of you will really relate to this!!

Imagine turning in a paper, wanting it to be perfectly edited, clean, concise, & all around PERFECT for your teacher every day of the week. That’s what it’s like blogger. I don’t want to ever put shit out there. Sure, there’s spelling errors or whatever but I do the best I can & I’m not perfect— don’t want to be, don’t pretend to be.

Ok I feel the tangent thing is theme this post.

Anyway back to writer’s block.

The main way I combat writer’s block is by keeping an ongoing list. The list is in my iPhone & literally 29873432 pages long. Basically I write down random thoughts all throughout the day. A lot of them come to me in the shower, at a Pilates class, or during sex ( I AM KIDDING, JUST KEEPING IT LIGHT HERE ). The shower & Pilates though, totally not kidding. For some reason I’m inspired while using coconut body wash & on a Reformer?

So the list keeps going & GOING. But just because I have a list doesn’t mean it always works.

Take before we left for Venice & Florence: for some reason I was uninspired for like two weeks. Two straight weeks of feeling……….MEH. BLAH. UGH. Not into it.

So what did I do? Well I knew we were going to be going away so I decided to disconnect from blogging for a few days. Normally I would have never let myself do this. BUT I was so uninspired to the point that I knew if I didn’t step away, I’d become burnt out. Do you know what I mean?

Almost like I need to rejuvenate & refresh.

It’s doing you guys an injustice to blog, just to blog.

After coming back from my trip ( I probably took a total of 8 days total over the past month off blogging ), I’m back & ready to write.

So YAH, if you’re having writer’s block: take notes & step away from the situation.

Don’t step away for too long though. Then the whole ‘stepping away’ thing will become a fearful experience & you may never get back into it. I suggest 5 to 10 days. Take a break. Get re-inspired. Talk to new people. Eat good food. Step away from the phone. Be present.

For me, being in another country completely filled up my gas tank, you know?

Other easy tips for writer’s block: workout, go for a walk, READ A BOOK ( this helps me A LOT ), listen a podcast, change your environment, &/or time block ( will do a post on this ).

Creativity comes & goes, when it comes: EMBRACE THE HELL OUT OF IT. Use it to your advantage. And when it goes, step away from it.

Be easy on yourself but not too easy. Writer’s block is totally normal. If you’re a creator of any sorts ( hey! I’m even talking to artists ) what do you do when you get a block?

OK, ok just had to get those thoughts down for some reason.

Can we also talk about how I’m at an all new low tonight, eating almond butter straight from the jar? This is true. Like, with a huge spoon too.

– lauryn

+ if you guys liked this post I just added NEW exclusive content to The Skinny Confidential APP: everything to know about a blogger newsletter & my five favorite podcasts. Also, Michael added two pieces too: a CHEATER’S themed post & Snapchat Dos and Don’ts. x

{ pc }

The post Buzzkill City: What To Do When You Have Writer’s Block appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.

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