~ MamakTalk ~: 6 Reasons Why A Virgo Man And Virgo Woman Are Perfectly Compatible

2015年9月5日 星期六

6 Reasons Why A Virgo Man And Virgo Woman Are Perfectly Compatible

As a Virgo with Leo tendencies (born on the cusp), I’ve always been profoundly picky when it comes to the men I date, in sometimes the most detrimental ways.

As a primarily Virgo woman, I search for safety, dependability and sensitivity. And because I share some qualities with the adjacent Lion sign, I expect nothing short of a total adventure.

It’s an unrealistic combination of traits to be attracted to in another person, and it has often placed me in the wrong types of romantic scenarios.

Indeed, I am one very tough Virgo woman who is admittedly almost completely desensitized to single life.

That was until a Virgo man entered my life seemingly out of nowhere.

Ruled by Mercury, which promotes rationality, logic and realism, and born under the sign of the Mother, or “virgin,” who embodies understanding and overt honesty, my male counterpart is exactly what I never knew I had been hoping for.

The term Virgo, which is the Latin word for “virgin,” is tough but adaptable, sensual, incredibly talented and visionary, but sometimes procrastinating and stubborn as hell.

Almost every certified astrologist will warn against dating your own sign due to similarities causing a lack of balance in the relationship. However, Virgos might just be strong enough people that those who work best with us romantically are those almost just like us.

1. You Already Know How To Break Through To The Other’s Core

As serious people, Virgos sometimes come off as critical, difficult, insensitive, no-nonsense types who know a lot of people, but keep a very tight circle of friends.

Picture Ebenezer Scrooge in the middle of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.” He has his moments of understanding, but he’s still being a total d*ck to the ghosts who are only trying to work with him.

Like Ebenezer at the end of the story, beneath the surface of what a Virgo will often publicly exemplify, we are actually fair, honest, selfless and wonderfully playful people.

Strong as we are (or seem), Virgos will always go the extra mile for the people who matter most to them, whether it’s reciprocated or not. As the “mothers” of the zodiac, it is embedded in our very fabric to take care of people.

And while Virgos of both sexes are generous to the point of martyrdom for the people they love the most, due to their seemingly serious moments, we can also often go under-appreciated by many.

The Virgo woman and man will almost immediately intuitively understand one another. We can’t help it. We just vibe.

As strong nurturers, Virgo men and women offer each other a level of patience and understanding. The Virgo couple will explore new forms of communication together, and before you know it, both partners have gained a lover and a friend.

2. You Care About Each Other, Even If Not’s That Serious

Whether the two of you are getting serious or just dating and still playing the field, as two Virgos, once you have each other’s attention, you can be sure to expect nothing short of emotional loyalty.

This is the man who will text you to see if you’re alright, make sure you’ve eaten, and keep you posted on the score of his week. This is the man who will kiss your forehead while you fall asleep. This is the man who will tell you he hates cuddling, and then engulf you completely while he sleeps.

As personifications of the mother symbol, you instinctively care for one another, despite the relaxed nature of the relationship. Virgos are naturally supportive and attentive individuals.

The Virgo man provides a strong means of support for another Virgo who always seems busy with everything else, and vice versa.

3. This Is A Practical Bond

You are two people who will work hard and never apologize for it. You are two people who give your all to everything you do because you are perfectionists. You are both multi-talented, able to juggle a multitude of people, ideas and tasks. You are both organized, thoughtful and stick to the schedule.

As independently efficient people, neither of you would waste your time on a second date with someone who doesn’t inspire you. That decision stems from the Virgo longing for a perfect union. If he’s dating you, even just casually, you are someone who is important to him on some level, and vice versa.

One of the most important things to learn about the Virgo personality? We are not ones to date people we may not like just for a meal or an evening time-waster. Ain’t nobody got time for that sh*t.

The Virgo man will compromise on almost everything (except Netflix because he’s picky about his routine) when he wants you to have a great time. The Virgo woman won’t compromise on anything but TV.

The two of you have struck a balance through your similarities, and your similarities make it reasonable. Once this pragmatism is established, the two of you can concentrate on the very best part: exploring one another emotionally.

4. He Is Confident Now And Will Be 30 Years From Now

Earth signs (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus), especially analytical Virgos, are resilient and realistic.

Both Virgo women and men have lived their lives with the impressive ability to see themselves completely as the world sees them. Living lives of seeing the world for what it truly is also allows people to see themselves as they are. By the age of 20-something, realism has prompted a Virgo into coming to terms with him or herself as is, so he or she can focus on becoming even better.

The Gen-Y Virgo in both sexes is the responsible planner who knows who he or she is right now, and who has a specific set of future goals and a general plan to reach them. We are consistently working toward being better, whether in public or in private. We are always striving toward our own idea of perfect physically, emotionally and professionally.

Come one, who doesn’t find having goals in life a sexy trait in another person?

5. You Compliment His Humor

Equally, this same confidence that forces Virgos to work hard also allows us to recognize when to take a step back and just relax.

Analytical from birth, both you and your Virgo man have mastered the art of the joke. Virgos love to laugh and make the people around them laugh. Virgos utilize comedy to calm others because it calms their own anxiety, too.

As someone who is down-to-earth in his demeanor, cynical in his humor and discriminating enough to use it charmingly to his advantage, a Virgo man will pull out every card when he wants to see someone smile.

As an earth sign, someone grounded by the natural world and thus attracted to the natural reactions of others, it is absolutely adorable to him when a woman laughs. Strangely, both of you feel all the more confident in the union knowing he can relax you.

In a weird way, it makes him proud. It’s validating, and sometimes, it’s exactly what a Virgo woman needs.

As a Virgo woman, you share his same sense of evaluative, sarcastic humor. Your logical mind allows you to be just as cunning and quick. You keep him intrigued with your ability to fight sarcasm with sarcasm.

And the very best part? As another Virgo, his smile is also literally the best thing you have ever seen. His whole face lights up when he smiles, and it just makes you want to kiss him like 11 million times.

6. The Sex Is Like Magic

Let me be very clear: You two are not the same person; you are different people, but based on the time, date and place of your birth, two Virgos do share a similar way of viewing the world that seems to allow intimacy to blossom, instead of clash.

In general, you will always have great sex with your own sign because you understand your partner’s style in bed. In this particular instance, when two very secretive, sensual and immensely generous Virgos come together intimately.

A generous and thoughtful Virgo will explore aspects of sex that a partner of a less physical sign may never feel comfortable enough to try. Sexual and naturally service-oriented, two Virgos will stop at nothing to please each other.

You two are going to make a mess.

7. In A Lot Of Ways, It’s Like Seeing Yourself From Afar

Virgos are known for their ability to see and communicate truths. Thus, the Virgo man is just as forthright and honest as the Virgo woman. Painfully honest is the best adjective to describe a Virgo.

Once you’ve pierced each other’s hard exteriors, your Virgo man is going to bare all to you, and you to him. He’ll even tell you some bullsh*t you probably don’t even care to know, and after one conversation with him when he’s in a bad mood, you’ll begin to understand what people mean when they tell you you can be a little rude or harsh with your honesty at times.

The point is you’re able to recognize a lot of yourself, good and bad, in the other. And you know what? It’s teaching you more about yourself than you could have ever imagined.

The Virgo man is reflective like a mirror, and as a Virgo woman, you can look through him in order to learn more about your own self. It’s like taking 10 steps out of your body and observing yourself as the opposite sex. The experience is weird, intelligent and absolutely fantastic.

Maybe the astrologers are all right; it may or may not last between two Virgos. Maybe, we do clash long-term, but we are only in our 2os. And if we’re single, we should feel free to take advantage of our youth by dating whomever we want.

Date your own sign! Date signs that should be perfect for you! And date people of signs whom the ancients said you’d never work out with! Date the people you’re attracted to.

As a typical Gen-Y Virgo, I am always striving to become my perfect self.

In order to successfully attain my own version of perfection, all I need to do at 20-something is work my hardest at everything I do, spend time with people who teach me more about my world and find new ways to get to know myself more deeply.

I want private, easy and responsible. I want methodical. I want romantic. I want another Virgo.

6 Reasons Why A Virgo Man And Virgo Woman Are Perfectly Compatible

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