~ MamakTalk ~: Google hints that USB Type-C is coming soon to Android devices

2015年3月12日 星期四

Google hints that USB Type-C is coming soon to Android devices


The last forty-eight hours have seen the launch of two devices that will lead the way for USB Type-C adoption. On Tuesday, Apple announced its new MacBook with the new technology and today Google did the same with the Chromebook Pixel. USB Type-C allows a single port to exchange data and power while remaining reversible so users do not have to fumble around. The technology will continue to appear in laptops throughout the rest of the year and into the future, but the status of it for mobile devices is unknown. However, an informational video explaining the Chromebook Pixel’s USB Type-C port may have hinted at something more.

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The following is the quote from Adam Rodriguez, Product Manager:

“We at Google are very committed to the USB Type-C spec. Expect to see this in a lot of Chromebooks and Android phones in the near future.”

There are not any Android phones available with a USB Type-C port; however, Rodriguez’s comment makes it seem that Google will push it for hardware manufacturers. One possibility is that the next Nexus devices from Google actually feature USB Type-C. Google has used its Nexus devices to push technologies in the past and doing so with USB Type-C would certainly spark others to follow.

Source: Official Google Blog

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