~ MamakTalk ~: Code Commit Suggests That A Future Version Of Android With Multi-Window Feature Might Be On The Horizon

2015年3月11日 星期三

Code Commit Suggests That A Future Version Of Android With Multi-Window Feature Might Be On The Horizon

Screenshot 2015-03-10 at 5.30.06 PM - Edited

Multi-window functionality is one of the handiest (literally) features any device can have. The ability to be able to have more than one app or program open and running at the same time in the same view offers for a much greater level of functionality. This is something many of us use on laptops and desktops and it has been a long-awaited feature to arrive on android devices. Of course, some manufacturers have decided to not wait on Google to bring the feature to code and instead have ventured on their own version. Most notably Samsung have achieved arguably the best version of multi-window available on android devices and best utilised in their Note range of devices. That said, they are not alone. LG and Huawei are just two of the other companies who have tried their hand at a similar feature.

Well, in terms of a unified android version of multi-windows, it does seem Google has been working on this. Working on this for some time actually. All the way back in October of last year, we got to see some early looks at what a Google built multi-window feature might work and look like. This obviously led to many thinking and hoping that such a feature might be released when Android 5.0 (Lollipop) finally launched. However, that was not even the first time that hints had been dropped at an android version of multi-window. With rumors dating back even further.

Well, the latest on this front is that there seems to be more clues developing that Google is indeed working on a multi-window feature for android. Now, the clue is only a clue of its existence and nothing more which popped up in the form of a comment in a commit from the source code. Not to mention, the code dates back to January. That said, the commit does indeed mention ‘multiwindows’ (more than once) and does further highlight that it is at least a work in progress. Of course, the commit does not provide any indication in terms of an ETA and instead this remains another part of the waiting game. Would you like to see multi-window features introduced soon? Let us know.

The post Code Commit Suggests That A Future Version Of Android With Multi-Window Feature Might Be On The Horizon appeared first on AndroidHeadlines.com |.

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