~ MamakTalk ~: Datuk Nicol David Shares 6 Things About Her Biopic “I Am Nicol David”

2021年6月11日 星期五

Datuk Nicol David Shares 6 Things About Her Biopic “I Am Nicol David”

When it comes to sports, there are a few names that jump to mind for top Malaysians athletes. Other than badminton champions, Lee Zii Jia and Lee Chong Wei, almost every Malaysian is familiar squash legend Nicol David. Of course, just knowing her name is very different from knowing her life story. However, that will be changed soon.

Earlier this week, Datuk Nicol David proudly announced that her life story was going to be made into a biopic! The biopic, titled “I Am Nicol David” will be produced by ACE Pictures Entertainment, a local digital media and film production investment company. “I always dreamt of (telling) my story (one day) to be able to inspire everyone to work hard for what they want to achieve and constantly challenge yourself to bigger heights,” Nicol said. The squash legend is thrilled and overwhelmed to be given that chance now.

Source: Instagram

Of course, we’re all curious about the biopic as she only scratched the surface in her announcement. As such, during an exclusive interview with Fly FM, Nicol was gracious enough to share a little more. Here are 6 things we got from it:

1. Nicol will be one of the film’s producers

I’ll be part of it, for sure,” Nicol stated confidently. After all, it is her story and she would know it best! The squash champion will be overseeing everything from top to bottom with a lot of say in how her story will be portrayed. “I will be looking through with the production team, to really like pin down what we really are going to talk about, how we’re going to put it together, how the feel of everything is gonna be, and they have to know me, you know?” she said.

2. Production will start (hopefully) next year

Source: Instagram

Nicol acknowledged that the pandemic has slowed down the makings of the biopic. Currently, they are just working on the details but she’s anticipating starting the following year. “Hopefully, by then, everybody’s vaccinated and we don’t have to really go through the pandemic situation for everyone,” she said with a laugh.

3. There’s a deeper theme to “I Am Nicol David”

Of course, the biopic will be showcasing Nicol’s life and her squash career. However, she hopes to highlight an important virtue. “The essence of the biopic is really about a woman’s will and dedication to just go and do something,” Nicol shared. “To just be at the top and stay there and to be dedicated with my whole heart and soul to be there. It becomes my life, it becomes my everything.

4. The movie may be a tearjerker

Source: PSA World Tour

Being the champion is never easy and Nicol knows this best. It’s a road paved with struggles and for the squash legend, her toughest time was after she became World Champion. “Nobody tells you what to do when you get there. Nobody else who is World No 1 can actually tell you what to do. So, you have to figure it out yourself,” Nicol said, imparting words of wisdom. Although she changed that struggle into a turning point, seeing it on-screen just might make you cry!

5. Nicol will not be making an appearance in the biopic

Sadly, Nicol will not be playing the role of herself in the movie. The star is however, looking forward to meeting her ‘movie self’. Nicol made it clear that they would be doing a country-wide casting around Malaysia to find someone to act as her. “Because that person is gonna be someone from Malaysia, it will be a fun experience and a great process to get to know that actress so that we’ll bond and understand how we’re gonna portray the story and who I am,” she said.

Who will the lucky Malaysian? Well, only time will tell.

6. Nicol wants the movie takeaway to be “they can be inspired to do big things”

Source: Tatler Malaysia

While she’s excited to see her life played out on the big screen, Nicol hopes to inspire her fans to greater heights with it as well. “Whether it’s kids or a woman or whoever, they can see that if you want to do something, if you have the will and dedication, you can just really make it happen for yourself. Nothing’s gonna stop you. It’s only you who has to take that first step to make it happen,” she said, her words earnest and sincere. “And I hope more people can see that they have potential in them that they can really bring forth if they really take that first step and make the most of it.

Watch the interview here:

Sources: YouTube, Instagram

The post Datuk Nicol David Shares 6 Things About Her Biopic “I Am Nicol David” appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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