~ MamakTalk ~: 現在適合賞秋葉嗎?首份2018紐約州秋葉報告出爐

2018年9月20日 星期四


即將踏入 9 月底,該是時候去賞秋葉了嗎?那就得看看剛剛新鮮出爐的紐約州秋葉報告囉!

本週 Empire State Development Division of Tourism 旗下的 I Love New York 網站推出了今年第一份紐約州秋葉報告,讓大家緊貼秋葉的最新狀況!

截至 9 月 12 日,紐約上州暫時只有少數地區的樹葉剛剛轉為黃色,當中包括 Adirondacks 與 Thousand Island 一帶,而紐約州大部份地區仍然沒有任何轉變,所以各位紐約客看來還要再等一陣子呢!


-Franklin County: 10 percent color change, tinges of mustard, goldenrod, copper, burgundy, crimson at Tupper Lake.

-Saranac Lake: 10 percent color change, red leaves on red maple trees, various yellows and oranges on sugar maples.

-Essex County: 5 to 15 percent change, dull burgundy and brown colors in Crown Point.

Thousand Islands-Seaway

-Jefferson County: 10 percent color change, some yellow leaves of average brilliance in Alexandria Bay.

-St. Lawrence County: 10 percent color change, touches of yellow and orange leaves of average brilliance in Canton.

-Oswego County: 5 to 10 percent change, dull burgundy and brown colors.


Fulton County: 10 to 15 percent change, touches of dull yellow and orange leaves in Gloversville.

Hudson Valley

5 percent or less color change.

Long Island

-5 percent or less color change.

Central New York

-5 percent or less color change.


-5 percent or less color change.

Finger Lakes

-5 percent or less color change.

Greater Niagara

-5 percent or less color change.


-5 percent or less color change.





資訊/圖片來源:I Love New York

The post 現在適合賞秋葉嗎?首份2018紐約州秋葉報告出爐 appeared first on 哇靠!紐約 WaCowNY 吃貨,美食, 旅游, 電影, 活動, 找工作, 購物, 美妝.



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