~ MamakTalk ~: 恶心! 马六甲某著名酒家「店后挂白切鸡」, 惹屋顶乌鸦围观+ 偷叼 !

2018年6月28日 星期四

恶心! 马六甲某著名酒家「店后挂白切鸡」, 惹屋顶乌鸦围观+ 偷叼 !

➨《福禄寿十周年演唱会2018-大马站》 8月4日隆重开Show!立即点我购票~
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经过 Banana Leaf污水洗碗风波 ,又有网友爆料“店后挂白切鸡” 事件…

日前,一名 网友Anjali  在其脸书PO 文揭发马六甲某著名酒家,把白切鸡挂在餐厅后面风干,当过程中却无人看管,还惹来一群乌鸦停驻在屋顶上 「围观 + 偷叼一口」!直到鸡肉被偷吃了,员工才赶走乌鸦。 OMG,这太也恶心了~ 太不卫生了~


➨《福禄寿十周年演唱会2018-大马站》 8月4日隆重开Show!立即点我购票~


事件发生在昨天下午,Restoran Kxxx-Xxx,位于SK Infant Jesus Convent 2对面的餐厅。煮熟的白斩鸡被挂在餐厅后面,无人看管,最终成为了乌鸦的食物。当我丈夫看到整个经过,他拍下视频作并拿给该餐馆老板看。但店主对我丈夫很不礼貌,也无视投诉。亲爱的朋友们,请把视频分享出去,以避免这种只会 “赚钱” 的豪华餐厅。

Incident happened yesterday afternoon at Restoran Kxxx-Xxx. The restaurant situated opposite of SK Infant Jesus Convent 2. The cooked chicken meats for the chicken rice were hanged at the back of the restaurant and it was left unattended. And it finally became the food for the crows. When my husband saw the incident, he took the video as evidence and showed to the restaurant owner. But the owner behaved rude towards my husband and ignored the complaint. Dear friends, do share the video and please avoid this kind of luxury restaurant which give importance to profits only.

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