According to references for “zine” and “morning reads” inside of Chromium, the open source project on which Chrome is built, we could be seeing a fancy new feature come to Chrome hopefully in the near future.
Right now, the references are from bug tracking indexes, which detail a morning gathering of top news you may be interested in. To put it simply, when you wake up in the morning, Chrome could offer you a basic overview of news that you may be interested in reading from across the web.
Below is a list of “possible improvements” that are listed for the feature inside of Chromium. According to what is written, Morning Reads could feature specific fetch times, fetch times depending on battery charge amount, the ability to swipe certain stories away, and more.
Some possible improvements, roughly from simple to advanced:
- Fetch only during certain times of day (e.g. between 6 AM and 9 AM, for *morning* reads).
- Vary the frequency based on charging state (e.g. every 30 mins while charging, every 2 hours otherwise, all only if on an unmetered connection).
- Possibly coalesce with other wake-up events (service worker background sync) – if Chrome is being started anyway, the extra cost is much lower.
- Have fancy prediction for when the user is likely to visit the NTP, and fetch an update just before that.
No official word from Google has been made on this possible feature, and since it’s still being worked on, we could be a ways away from any type of release.
If Chrome offered a Morning Reads feature, would you take advantage?
Via: myce
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Chromium Bug Tracker Points to Possible “Morning Reads” Feature for Chrome is a post from: Droid Life
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