~ MamakTalk ~: Twitter has quit showing ads to its highest-profile users

2016年1月26日 星期二

Twitter has quit showing ads to its highest-profile users

Twitter has long favored some of its higher-profile users with verification. If you’re someone whose identity is important to what you do – such as politician, celebrity or a journalist, like me – you can get a blue checkmark next to your name that indicates that, yep, you’re really you.

That  checkmark, rightly or wrongly, has become something of a status symbol. But now, it appears there’s something even more coveted: Scoring ad-free status on Twitter.

Peter Kafka at Re/code reports that Twitter is no longer showing ads to some of its top users. Exactly who falls into this category is not precisely clear, but Kafka’s sources say there are a variety of factors:

Twitter sources say the company doesn’t select the no-ad or low-ad group purely by star power, but by a variety of criteria, including the volume and reach of the tweets they generate.

I almost never use Twitter’s Web page or its mobile apps, where ads are displayed, instead preferring third-party apps such as Tweetbot, which don’t show ads. At work, managing the Chronicle’s Twitter feed, I use Twitter’s Tweetdeck, which also doesn’t display ads. So, I never see them anyway.

When I checked the Twitter Web page for my account, sure enough there are no ads there. I’m verified, with almost 23,000 followers.


But another account of mine, @713pizza, has very few followers and is not verified. There are lots of ads in that account’s timeline.


Of course, one of the primary ways Twitter makes money is from selling ads that appear in user’s timelines. So why would it not show ads to some users? The likely reason is that it wants its highest-profile and most-active users to have the best experience possible, so they continue to use the service. That’s important, because one of the company’s biggest issues is that user growth is flat. Users with recognizable names are a lure to everyday users, which encourages growth.

This news comes as Twitter goes through a major shakeup, with top executives heading out the door. Twitter also has been rumored to be dropping one of its core features, the 140-character limit, possibly raising it to as much as 10,000 characters. The company’s stock is down and may even be a takeover target.

Many users have asked Twitter to offer a paid, ad-free service option. So far, the company has declined. But apparently some users don’t even have to pay to be ad-free.

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