Earlier this morning, Google announced that Android 6.0.1 would begin rolling out to Nexus devices with a whole bunch of emoji. Moments ago, they followed up that announcement by posting up factory images of Android 6.0.1 for the Nexus 6P, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6, Nexus Player, Nexus 9 (LTE and WiFi), Nexus 5, and Nexus 7 (2013) WiFi and LTE.
The updates are arriving as build MMB29K for most. The Nexus 6P and Nexus Player are getting MMB29M.
On a related note, it looks like they also sprinkled in a few other builds, like 6.0.0 (MMB29N) for Nexus 6P, 5.1.1 (LMY48Z) for Nexus 9 LTE, 5.1.1 (LMY48Z) for Nexus 7 (2013) LTE, and 5.1.1 (LMY48Z) for Nexus 10.
For instructions on how to flash factory images, hit up this post.
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Google Posts Android 6.0.1 Factory Images for Nexus Devices is a post from: Droid Life
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