~ MamakTalk ~: The OnePlus 2 will cost less than $450 according to CEO, doesn’t mention if that’s the base model price

2015年7月7日 星期二

The OnePlus 2 will cost less than $450 according to CEO, doesn’t mention if that’s the base model price

OnePlus 2 price under $450

When OnePlus told us a few weeks back that the OnePlus 2 would cost over $322, their statement really wasn’t much help. In some subtle way, OnePlus was telling us to expect the OnePlus 2 to be priced slightly higher than the previous year’s model which launched at $300/$350.

OnePlus loves these sorta guessing games. You may remember last year when they said their One would be priced under $500, then later clarified that it would also be under $400. Today, they’re finally giving us a better idea of what to expect when the phone launches this year, saying that it will be priced under $450. While that still leaves a pretty big window (does it mean $449.99 for the 16GB model?), we’re guessing this is another clue that the phone will more than likely launch at $350/$400 — $50 more than the original OnePlus One.

Of course, that’s just our unsubstantiated guess, with OnePlus mentioning on Google+ that they’re only interested in building the best smartphone they can, then “going from there.” We wont have to wait much longer before we can finally put an end to all the guessing games. The OnePlus 2 is set to be officially unveiled on Monday, July 27th at 7PM where the entire event will be streamed online in virtual-reality.


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