SkreensTV wants you to stop fighting over the TV and just get along: If the Indiegogo crowdfunding project succeeds, you’ll have a way to split your big-screen TV into enough “skreens” for everyone.
SkreensTV is a small, set-top box-like device, combined with an app, with one big job: Turning those large flat screens into smaller boxed sections that can display different video inputs independently. In other words, segment your screen and have multiple people use the TV for different purposes at the same time.
The device can handle up to five different HDMI inputs for 1080p-quality pictures from a wide variety of devices, including cable, satellite, game consoles, Roku, Apple TV and others. As many as six mini-screens can be on the big screen at the same time, and you can adjust the size of each skreen individually in whatever pattern you desire. The system hooks up to your sound system but also has options for Wi-Fi or smartphone headphones so each person can get separate sound for their screen.
Part of the family
SkreensTV is specifically designed for a larger family or tech-loving housemates, where screen time is a valuable commodity. This way, someone can watch a live game while someone else plays video games, another person catches up on their favorite show, and fourth (or more) watches Netflix. It could also let several different people play different video games on the same screen, watch several sports in unison, and so on. Or, if you’re by yourself, you could probably turn it to six news channels at once and cackle slowly like a supervillain.
This versatility comes with a couple downsides. The segmented screens cut down on screen real estate significantly, so it only works well with the largest screens – in excess of 50-inches, at least. Additionally, until you’ve experienced it first-person it may be difficult to say how distracting all those other screens are (although if you have an Xbox One, you may have an idea from using the Snap TV command).
If SkreensTV sounds like a great solution for your house, you can contribute to the crowdfunding effort, which still has a way to go to reach its $200,000 goal, and only a few weeks left. $400 will net you a $100 discount when the device ships and upgrades you to a version with 4GB of storage. $100 will let you upgrade your device for extra storage when you buy.
The post SkreensTV Separates Your TV into Mini-Screens appeared first on Gadget Review.
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