~ MamakTalk ~: Google Classroom getting several improvements for students and teachers

2014年10月16日 星期四

Google Classroom getting several improvements for students and teachers

Google_Logo_7356 Earlier this summer, Google launched Google Classroom in an attempt to improve the education experience for teachers and students around the world. It offers many things to make it easier (and cheaper) for classrooms to go paperless and collaborate and communicate more efficiently. Today, Google announced five new features for Classroom to improve that experience even more.

Teachers will now have the ability to invite students to a group or class if they already have a Google Group in place for it. It works with student information systems, too, so class rosters can be quickly synced to set up classes quickly. In addition to that, they’ll also be able to manage their class streams, adjusting which students can or cannot post in a group. They’ll also be able to download student grades in bulk, and can sort students by first or last name.

On the student end, Google has added the option to mark assignments as done, which is intended to be used for projects that don’t have any work to actually turn in. This can be something like reading a chapter of a book or working on a project. This helps students more easily keep up with work, and allows teachers to more closely monitor their progress.

Overall, these are some very welcome additions, and it shows that Google is very committed to maintaining a strong presence in the education system around the globe.

source: Google For Education

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