Tokyo Otaku Mode (TOM) is beloved by many Japanese pop culture fans for being a one-stop-shop for information, products, and prizes relating to everything super-happy-magical about Japan. It is now also beloved by a special investor to the tune of JPY 1.5 billion (US$13.7 million), according to CNET . Over three years, the total investment can reach that amount but, despite the unique nature of the deal, the specific terms of the deal were not disclosed.
The investor, Cool Japan Fund, is perhaps the most natural partner TOM could have. The Cool Japan Fund defines its mission as being “to commercialize and capture overseas demand for businesses derived from Japanese culture and lifestyle.”
Today’s news marks the second time this year TOM has raised funds. Back in April, the company raised US$2.64 million. At that time, we reported that the company was aiming to use the money to beef up its anime store. That mission seems to be accomplished as the company opened up a new warehouse in the United States in order to cut down on shipping time from Japan.
CNET says this time the funding will be used for strengthening the ecommerce branch, hiring engineers, setting up more warehouses, and general marketing.
Tech in Asia has reached out to the company and will update this piece if we hear back.
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