~ MamakTalk ~: NG 英文:「我同意你」到底該怎麼說才正確?

2020年1月10日 星期五

NG 英文:「我同意你」到底該怎麼說才正確?



英文中常常會出現兩個句子明明只差一個字,意思卻差了十萬八千里的狀況。今天我們要來探討的句子就是這種情形喔。先來動動腦:I can't agree with you anymore. 和 I can't agree with you more. 意思到底一不一樣呢?一起來看看情境對話吧!(「還差得遠了」的英文要怎麼說?十句超實用口語用法

到底是 I can't agree with you anymore. 還是 I can't agree with you more.?


前幾天放了三天連假,回公司上班後,大家都昏昏欲睡。這時 John 就說了:

I feel like I never have enough vacation days.(我覺得假期永遠不夠多。)

Amy 聽了在一旁附和說:

I can’t agree with you anymore.

結果 John 就露出有點疑惑的神情。原來是 Amy 這句英文講錯了,才讓 John 搞不清楚意思,一起想想到底哪邊說錯了吧!


破解 NG 英文

大家應該知道,Amy 想要表達自己非常同意 John 的話,所以她想講的應該是大家常說的「不能同意你更多了」,也就是「我超級同意你,同意到無法再更多了」,而翻譯成英文應該要說:

I can’t agree with you more.(我非常贊同你。)


A: Rachel should really gossip less. She upset everyone.(Rachel 真的應該別再那麼八卦了。她已經惹毛大家了。)

B: Couldn’t agree with you more. I hate people talking about me behind my back.(完全贊同。我討厭別人在我背後談論我。)

A: Don’t you think his opinions are totally unreasonable, vague, and unconstructive?(你不覺得他的意見完全不合理、模糊不清又沒建設性嗎?)

B: I can’t agree with you more! He just talked about things he wanted to do but never considered the feasibility.(完全就是啊!他就只是講一講他想做的事情,從來沒考慮過可行性。)

A: I know! I can’t believe he’s our supervisor.(就是說啊!真不敢相信他還是我們主管咧。)

那你可能會想說 Amy 說的那句話錯在哪呢?其實並沒有文法錯誤,而是差一個字意思天差地遠!

I can’t agree with you anymore.(我再也無法同意你了。)

→ 代表我以前同意你,但現在無法再同意你了。所以 Amy 要表達的意思和這句話其實完全相反喔!

I can’t agree with you anymore. 也有可能運用在日常對話中,例如跟朋友討論某個人的行為時有可能會用到這句話:

A: Wow. I can’t believe Jill just called him names; that was so rude.(哇。我真不敢相信 Jill 就直接罵他耶;超沒禮貌的。)

B: I know, right? Why would she even do that?(就是啊!她怎麼會這麼做?)

A: No idea. She’s just ugly both inside and out.(不知道。她就是外表內在都很醜陋。)

B: I can’t agree with you anymore. I think she’s smoking hot.(這我可不能同意。我覺得她辣翻了。)


A: That kid over there made fun of my sister. I’m going to teach him a lesson.(那邊那個小孩就是取笑我妹的人。我要去教訓他。)

B: Yeah. Tell him that it’s not nice to do such things.(對。去告訴他取笑別人是不好的事情。)

A: I should beat him up.(我應該要揍他一頓。)

B: I can’t agree with you anymore. That may cause you trouble.(我可不同意。這有可能會讓你惹上麻煩。)

看完解說之後,大家了解兩句話的差異了嗎?要表達「贊同對方」,記得要說 I can't agree with you more. 喔!(延伸閱讀:「Get out」意思是「出去」?十句超容易誤會的英文日常用語

原文文章:【NG 英文】到底是 I can't agree with you anymore. 還是 I can't agree with you more.?

来源:Asia Travel Book



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