~ MamakTalk ~: Evernote and Google Drive Get Better Integration With Rich Previews

2016年5月13日 星期五

Evernote and Google Drive Get Better Integration With Rich Previews

This morning, Google and Evernote co-announced that Google Drive has been integrated into Evernote with thumbnail previews and a much richer viewing experience when its documents are included in notes. That’s a fancy way of saying that you can access Drive files from within Evernote and then see them as more than just a link. 

The video above details the new integration, which if interested in, can be utilized today on Android and through Chrome. The experience adds a Drive icon to the toolbar of Evernote which launches a view of your Drive files when tapped. Once attached to a note, you’ll get previews in some instances (like with photos) and then see buttons in others.

To give Google Drive integration in Evernote a test, head over to this page.

Via:  Google Drive Blog | Evernote

Evernote and Google Drive Get Better Integration With Rich Previews is a post from: Droid Life

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