Inbox is still my email app of choice, not only because it makes managing my email so much easier and more efficient, but it keeps getting sweet new features. Today, Google says that search inside of Inbox will be smarter than ever, bringing you results in a hurry, with quick cards for many searches.
Now, when you want the status of a package or order, details on a dinner reservation or hotel confirmation, or your frequent flyer number, you can do short searches for those (ex: “delta frequent flyer” or “dinner reservation”) and Inbox will do its best to return results in the form of a mini or quick card that will present the info asked for or give you links to see related info that is specific to the completed search.
See the GIF below for a bunch of examples from Google.
Along with the quick cards, Inbox will also start to show a “Top results” section after a search has been completed that attempts to order results by their relevance. Below that section, you will then find your normal, in order by date, results.
Google hasn’t said if this is all coming in an update to the app or via server-side switch. My guess is this will all just start happening within the next few days. Let us know if you are seeing the new cards!
Via: Gmail Blog
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