~ MamakTalk ~: [影音] 全被拍下來!灣區捷運白人乘客不停辱罵及攻擊亞裔男子

2017年11月16日 星期四

[影音] 全被拍下來!灣區捷運白人乘客不停辱罵及攻擊亞裔男子

最近一段於三藩市灣區捷運 BART 上拍攝的影片在網上瘋傳,從影片中能看到一名白人男乘客不停辱罵及攻擊一名亞裔男子。


影片全長 1 分 20 秒,據悉是拍攝於開往 South Fremont 方向的 BART 上,由車上另一名乘客 Wiseley Wu 於 11 月 13 日拍攝並上載到社交媒體上。影片開頭已看到白人男乘客不停辱罵坐在窗旁位置的亞裔男子,還做出要打人的姿態,此時坐在一旁的乘客心知不妙紛紛離開。

之後白人男乘客變本加厲,首先大罵 N*gger,然後再次罵他 Chinese N*gger 等帶有岐視成份的字句,更突然拍打亞裔男子肩部,不過當時亞裔男子沒有理會這名瘋子,更沒有作出反擊。


拍攝影片的 Wiseley Wu 表示當時並沒有任何人嘗試幫助亞裔男子,而他自己也不知道怎樣才是最好的處理方法。

事發後,一名 Reddit 用戶 InJhWeTrust 自稱是影片中的受害亞裔男子,他表示當初這名白人男乘客不斷的說那個 N Word(N*gger),可是車上卻沒有人理會,所以他才踏出一步請這名白人男乘客停止,而這卻引起白人男乘客更多的挑釁。對於沒有反擊這件事,他同時感到驕傲與可恥。

InJhWeTrust 憶述當時附近坐了不少亞裔,可是卻沒有人出聲。而在白人男乘客下車後,他向附近的人借用潔手液。另外,他亦非常感謝嘗試阻止他的女乘客,只差 5 秒他就會做出”白痴的舉動”。他同時也感謝網民的支持。

Reddit 上原文:

“Ok so I’m half hoping noone sees this. That’s me he is “harassing”. This started because the old man was yelling the Nword repeatedly and noone was doing or saying a damn thing about it. I told him to stop talking repeatedly and that’s what’s caused him to start yelling at me. I am both proud and embarrassed that I didn’t hit him.

OP you were sitting with another Asian dude behind me, there was another Asian couple standing who didn’t say anything and after he got off Bart at Union City I asked for Hand sanitizer

Edit: I am extremely grateful to the woman for stopping me I was 5seconds from doing something stupid.

Edit 2: Anyone know Ellen? And just for clarification my username stands for In Jim Harbaugh We Trust.

Edit 3: Yay gold!!! Thanks to all of you for the kindness. I’m terrible at taking positivity and kind words so I will say thanks to you all. Honestly, I just had enough and didn’t want to hear his voice. In hindsight it was probably dumb as he could have had a weapon but I did what I thought was right. I guess I will say stand up for those around you but be smart and safe about it.”




資料來源:Next Shark

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